Nick Marraro Social Media Associate at Adapting Social
1. I used to live in a haunted house. There is a chance that I might still be possessed. 2. I have tried to learn over 5 different instruments and I have failed miserably at all of them. 3. I was on The View and got to meet and hang out with Whoopie Goldberg. 4. My favorite animal on planet Earth is a duck. I plan on having between 2-6 in a few years. 5. I have seen over 50 concerts, my favorite one was seeing Sir Paul McCartney. 6. I can run farther than some people drive on a daily basis. 7. I am obsessed with spicy foods, especially Mexican food. 8. Craft beer is my drink of choice (Shout out to Kane Head High IPA, I love you) 9. Fishing is one of my all-time favorite hobbies. 10. I am terrified of clowns and people in costume, but I love Halloween. 11. I look like I am 100% Irish, but I am actually Italian. 12. I am an ordained minister. If you know anyone trying to get hitched, give me a call. 13. Always Sunny In Philadelphia is my all-time favorite television show. Dayman AHHHHHH. 14. I love watching sports. Good looks to all of my fellow Giants, Devils, Yankees, and Nets fans. 15. I want to travel to every continent on Earth to run a marathon.
Nick & Whoopi Goldberg Kickin' It
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