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The idea of combining medical exercise and ancient therapeutic arts is an integrative approach, one that acknowledges not only the physical but also the spiritual, emotional and energetic components of your health. Together we treat the whole you. 

metabolic rehab

Metabolic Rehab

Metabolism is the process by which your body uses “fuel” (like glucose) and turns it into energy for your muscles and other tissues. With Metabolic Rehabilitation, people with Diabetes can re-educate their bodies to utilize the excess glucose in their blood, helping them to take control of their condition without medication’s side effects.

prenatal integrative therapy

Prenatal & Postpartum

Pregnancy takes a toll on your body. Most women (and even their medical doctors) aren’t aware that physical therapy before, during, and after pregnancy can help a mother’s body recover significantly more quickly, and can even help reduce or eliminate scars. Moms are now becoming their own advocates in finding the right Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) who can help. We want to help you make time to care for yourself, so you can care for your family!​

Integrative Physical Therapy yoga

Therapeutic Yoga

Therapeutic Yoga is an excellent blend of restorative yoga and guided meditation techniques which makes it an excellent choice for those who need a gentle yet effective practice for bringing the body into balance.


Amanda Montalvo teaches Power 60, a Baptiste Power style vinyasa yoga class that is open to students at all levels of practice. You will discover your power through meditation in motion which will empower your mind, heal your body, and free your spirit. Classes ​ar​​e held at Axiom​ ​Lab in Riverdale.

pilates physical therapy

Pilates Physical Therapy

Pilates is designed to improve physical strength, flexibility, and posture, and enhance mental awareness. We offer a variety of exclusive private training sessions and exciting semi-private Pilates classes taught by our doctors and tailored to your personal fitness goals.

cardiac physical therapy

Cardiac Physical Therapy

When you first find out you have cardiac disease, you might wonder how you can safely participate in your favorite activities. You may have successfully finished cardiac rehab after an event, but still feel nervous about your heart. Cardiac Physical Therapy is a great way to take charge of your condition and find out how to return to a fulfilling life after a cardiac event or a diagnosis of cardiac disease. Early action is key!

Integrative Physical Therapy

Dance Medicine

Medicine is the science and art of preventing and alleviating or curing disease. Dance medicine and science is the application of that realm to the specific life and body of the dancer. As a discipline it investigates the causes of dance injuries, promotes their care, prevention, and safe post-rehabilitation return to dance, and explores the 'how' of dance movement.

Pain Free
Integrative Physical Therapy services

Pain Free PT

At most facilities pain and physical therapy are synonymous and patients may need to take pain medication which can lead to poor results and addiction. Our philosophy is No Pain = All Gain. By working with the same doctor of physical therapy, every hour long session, and our 3M integrative medicine approach: hands-on/manual therapy, movement and modalities you’ll succeed and accomplish your goals without medication. 

Integrative Physical Therapy near you

Opioid Free Therapy

A new epidemic is sweeping our nation. Since 1999, Americans have increasingly been prescribed opioids (like Vicodin, OxyContin, Opana, and Methadone) to treat their pain. Since then, over 180,000 people have died from an overdose of Opioid prescriptions. It is now known that 1 in 4 patients who use Opioids for long term pain relief will eventually suffer from some level of addiction.


No one wants to live in pain. But no one should put their health at risk in an effort to be pain-free.


Don't just mask the pain... Treat it. Choose Physical Therapy for safe pain management and treatment.

Virtual Reality
virtual reality Integrative Physical Therapy

Virtual Reality Therapy

Now offering the future of rehabilitation! Our virtual reality machines allow patients to jump straight into the action of endless games. Throw, aim, and fly through your rehabilitation with the new Oculus Quest and VR Zoom.  


The Oculus Quest transports patients around the world and through the air, letting them fly over mountains and through tunnels all while activating their core muscles and proprioception with improved ease and efficiency. Enter our dynamic environment to improve your racquet skills with Racket Fury, range of motion with Fruit Ninja, mental capacity in Guided Tai Chi, your agility through Boxing VR and more! 

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