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Post-COVID Rehabilitation Program

A personalized Post-COVID rehabilitation program designed by rehabilitation professionals who have successfully battled the after-effects of COVID disease.

Common Symptoms of Post-COVID Syndrome:

Post-COVID Rehabilitation Program


Brain fog and inability to focus are hallmarks of COVID disease. Some may develop signs of early-onset dementia.


Reduced lung function results in gasping for breath and fatigue from poor oxygenation. 


Detrimental reductions in flexibility occur naturally with limited activity. These changes can lead to injury, especially when trying to return to pre-pandemic and pre-illness activities without supervision.

Anxiety and Depression:

An inability to thrive from loneliness during a pandemic that requires social distancing is entirely understandable and normal. 


Elevated blood pressure and heart rate from vasculitis may reduce heart functioning and cause poor oxygenation and extreme fatigue.


Atrophy of muscles can quickly occur with sickness or quarantine without illness. Decreased muscle mass leads to insulin resistance, fatigue, and unhealthy weight gain.


Many post-COVID patients see whole body neurological deficits which impact movement patterns and increase the likelihood of injury.

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